6. I'm up next Identity: how many — me choking up Tummy tuck a slurpfest Bunny rabbit kiss-off, the right to a trauma Look what fell out of the family tree Yin-yang onceover, mummify like crazy Lots of advertised heroics Willpower — obsessed with Pavlovian cliche scale of your own Hips dash to self-cootie Pistol-whipped meringue of — self-importance, Esquire Erratic coping skills Self-basting scar by the numbers Nice to have you playing the bad guy Winterize your self-doubt Consciously self-conscious cardiac decolletage Certificate of unsound birth Spandex pre-show Slang kick — colonoscopy Don't we get to be funny? The harassing ego, periodic table of the heart Ghost geek Mini Me Bone zazen Antequeered wingtip payload Vanity in tatters — try me O, to be prioritized! A nice guinea pig — scared by identity According to our records, he should already be dead Call it a living autopsy, shot up some autopsy prefix Post-emotional, I'm not stoked Barbiturate egoism, self roto-rooting Imagine to be born My roots: roti! Feet in stirrups Pride, that pyramid scheme You get paid to be interesting Prosthetic to your own bad self Trickster, Romper — playing dress up Gotta push the panic button Antibiotic pygmalion Don't I don't Admit you're exasperated Have been feeling more & more fragile & isolated Take a surgery vacation I'll be fine when I've snapped A family of minus three So many things I don't want to do Girlish charisma, motorized skin Still trying to butch up? Cliches make the body Id I.D. — chili lips Sissier timebombs in the lungs Just try to cancel my act Your very thoughts can produce a panic attack With that armed camp of a personality you've got Lipstick management, limbo hubris kickier stuns Ain't no mudd club, ain't no moby dick SELF-HEMP TRIPPING HAZARD You want to give them your brain Possession is nine-tenths of your face Bento beeline everybody blurts Grind me Butter zigzag personal ganglia Frankenstein's zipcode — tsk, tsk "I'm as whacked up as everybody else around here" [Poitier, Bedford Inc.] Barbie decoys Something's speaking beyond my brain