Jeni Olin

Welcome Back Kotter

Checking the seasons someone says fall
or I've mistaken a trust in the vernacular

Checking the seasons someone says fall and I drop like hell

thinking, what fresh hell is this? I'm burning
Toast black you know 
like Eileen Myles.		I cannot live a hot & depressed life, etc.

		It's like dots of sweat
		trembling on Maria Callas's mustache. Call that
				pastiche. Healthy living.
	You know like vegetables & dope
	or I've mistaken a trust in the vernacular
	Churlish. treading water
	having left the left
	I always steep when left behind.
							on the Verrazzano Bridge
						Welling, backing down...Lydia's lover said
				"I really identified with Epstein as a Puerto-Rican Jew.
	As a Puerto-Rican Jew with a routine latrine job."
									the slaughterhouse,
								a smoky dot in Europe.
