Alan Sondheim

I am a picture.
The picture is me.
Then I notice in the middle of the night
cables are being laid across the street.
And I wonder
who is laying these cables?
where are they running, the to and the fro?
do they make a pretty picture?
is the picture me?

And I go outside and look at the cables.
And I speak to the cable-mans and I say.
These are my foreheads and my elbows?
those are my waists and my brainstems and necks?
where are my faces, cable-mans I say?
do they make a pretty picture?is the picture me?

And the cable-mans say
we are your faces.
We work so hard in the middle of the night
laying cables and faces and waists and brainstems
and arms and legs and we are your legs.
Oh legs, I say.
do they make a pretty picture?
is the picture me?

Is I am a picture?
is the picture is me?

-- Julu

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